Monday, May 24, 2010

Card Maker & Fashion Lover’s First Handmade Necklace

I was eyeing on a really cute vintage necklace during one of the craft fairs that I went not too ago, but I didn’t end up buying it. A few days later, bff found a really interesting store called I Found Gallery. They sell a wide collection of vintage jewellery findings like lockets, charms, and buttons! Apparently their collection ranges from the 1940s to 1980s! (Wow!)

It took us two and a half hours to find these cute charms and chains, but it was worth it!
Top: A; Bottom: Mine

Instead of buying them, we thought it would be fun to make our own one-of-a-kind necklaces…so we visited I Found Gallery! I was quite surprised that the store was so big! We spent a little over two and a half hours searching for charms and chains to go with them. At first, I didn't know where to start. I had to walk around the store a few times to see what I like (and it doesn’t help that I’m so picky!). Luckily, the jewellery findings were neatly displayed according to their shapes & designs. And there was a really nice sale associate that helped us!

I'm concentrating really hard!

It was nice to try out a different craft project that doesn't have to do with paper. I had so much fun making it with A! The hardest part was connecting the rings to smaller chains. Now, I appreciate jewellery makers so much more…

Planning out what to do. (Check out our NEW pliers!)

I still can't believe our necklaces are so pretty! I'm wearing mine right now and I can't wait to go out and show it off! :) Okay, I'll stop talking and post the photos! :) Enjoy!

A's- I love her Bulova watch face!

(I just realized that my heart locket is upside down, so you can't see the flower design on it)

Here's us wearing our one-of-a-kind vintage necklace :)

Credits to maybegirl for majority of the photos. Thanks! :)


  1. I just posted up pictures too! :)
    I actually took some more photos. I'm itching to go back and pick up a vintage key because yours is so nice!

  2. i love those necklaces, they have so much unknown history about them they they have a kind of mysterious presence to them

  3. Thanks for asking me sheeshhhh, but very pretty necklaces.


  4. Wow, it looks so cute! Certainly an upgrade from making plastic jewelry back in elementary school =P

    Now I want to go check it out!

    P.S.: When I adjust my jewelry I use two nail clippers instead of pliers, haha! It's cheap but it works =P

  5. thanks everyone :)

    Sarah: That's an interesting way! But I think my mom won't be happy with me using nail clippers lol!



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